Hello friends.. you know very well what is student life. But here i will tell you student life with ages.Here i will tell you changes of a student life according to their age. In Today's time education is considered as one of the important element in life. A child's education history starts as early as kindergarten period, up until school. Enrolling oneself in college after graduating from high school is another option to gain higher education. High school and college are both educational grounds for a student to grow and enhance their lives with knowledge. The transition from high school to college can be exciting yet challenging. So Here the site tell you student life changes according to her age.
Age of 1-3
This time of life is the joy full time of every children. In this age child does not knew about the schools. Children is only knew about playing with toys. Every person love to her. Because small child are look like very cutes. So that time are most enjoy full & tension free time of the life.